The Light Shines in the Darkness (Matthew 4:12-25), Morning/Night Church – 13th March, 2022

The Light Shines in the Darkness

Matthew 4:12-25

1. Jesus preaches “repentance” as we approach the Sermon on the Mount

2. This repentance is for ALL nations

3. Jesus went to GALILEE as the Light that exposes the darkness (We need the Light to Repent)

The Word of God is a Mighty Weapon (Matthew 4:1-11), Night Church – 6th March 2022

The Word of God is a MIGHTY Weapon (Matthew 4:1-11)

Main Point: Jesus shows us that the devil has been disarmed

Point 1: The devil is real

Point 2: Jesus shows us that he’s been defeated

Point 3: He does this with the Word of God

(Preacher: Stephen Young)

Jesus’ Teaching: Christian Religion (Matthew 6:1-18) Morning Church

Jesus’ Teaching: Christian Religion

Matthew 6:1-18

1. A matter of motives… motinves matter!



2. Secrecy safe-guards sincerity

  • as you give
  • as you pray
  • as you fast



Christian Religion?


(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?

  1. Interesting:
  2. Question:
  3. Pray:

Jesus’ Teaching: Christian Obedience (Matthew 5:17-48)

Jesus’ Teaching: Christian Obedience

Matthew 5:17-48 (Reading: 5:17-48)

1. Be perfect… as your heavenly Father is perfect!!



2. Jesus wants maximum devotion, not minimum compliance


(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?

  1. Interesting:
  2. Question:
  3. Pray:

Three Responses to the King (Matthew 2), Night Church – 20th Feb, 2022

Three Responses to the King (Matthew 2)

Main Point: What you think about the person of Jesus really matters

Point 1: The Magi come to WORSHIP king Jesus

Point 2: Herod tries to KILL king Jesus

Point 3: The Chief Priests and Teachers of the Law IGNORE king Jesus

Point 4: Jesus reveals hearts…

(Preacher: Stephen Young)

Attractive Christianity (Matt 4.12-5:17) am Church

Jesus’ Teaching: Attractive Christianity

Matthew 4:12-5:16 (Reading: 5:1-17)

1. Jesus calls people to follow him (4:18-25)

2. This is what it’s like as a follower of Jesus (5:1-16)

  • you are blessed
  1. you already have it all
  2. with much to look forward to
  • you can expect to be persecuted
  1. but keep pointing others to Jesus

3. Are you living The Christian Life?

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?

  1. Interesting:
  2. Question:
  3. Pray:

(preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Trouble in the Nativity? (Matthew 1:18-25), Night Church, 13th Feb 2022

Trouble in the Nativity?

(Matthew 1:18-25)

Main Point: Even a “righteousness man” needs God’s intervention…

Point 1: Mary’s pregnancy leaves Joseph stuck between a rock and a hard place…
Point 2: Joseph’s decision affects a whole lot more than just himself…

(could Joseph end God’s plan of salvation?)

Point 3: God intervenes – and Joseph obeys

(Preacher: Stephen Young)

The Trinity (John 14:1-21)

The Trinity

John 14:1-21

What do we need to know about the Trinity?

  • God the Father…
  • God the Son…
  • God the Holy Spirit…

Why does it matter?

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?

1. Interesting:

2. Question:

3. Pray:

The Identity of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17), Night Church, 6th Feb 2022

The Identity of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17)

Main Point: God uses broken people to fulfil his purposes

Point 1: Matthew is extremely concerned with the identity of Jesus

Point 2: Genealogies are very important!

Point 3: God uses a messy family tree to bring about his purposes

(Preacher: Stephen Young)