Hope in Suffering (Romans 8:18-39) 27 Nov 2022

Hope in Suffering

Romans 8:18-39

Suffering in this life shouldn’t surprise us

How we persevere through the present suffering

  • Patience in prayer by the Spirit
  • Hope in the glory to come

Amidst our suffering, one thing remains certain…

(Preacher: Thom Herbert)

Sin in the Life of a Christian (Romans 6:1-8:17)

Sin in the life of a Christian?

Romans 6:1-8:17

(Reading: 6:1-14 & 8:1-17)

The problem of sin in the life of a Christian?

The gospel reveals the gift of righteousness that comes by faith (1:16-17)

– beware of legalism

Christians live under grace, not law…

– and of licence

we are freed from sin and ‘slaves’ to righteousness

The apostle shows us the struggle (7:14-25)

And encourages us to ‘live by the Spirit’ (8:14-17)

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)