The Gospel Changes Lives (Phil 1:1-11)

Main point: The Gospel Changes Lives

Point 1: Some Characteristics of the Christian Life (Phil 1:1-11)


Point 2: These Characteristics are Found in Jesus (Phil 2:5-11)

Point 3: These Characteristics in Us

  • Timothy (2:19-24)
  • Epaphroditus (2:25-30)
  • Paul (3:4-17)
  • The Philippians themselves
  • Us?

Preacher: Steve Young

Church: Growing in Generosity (1 Cor 16 and 2 Cor8)

Church: Growing in Generosity

Bible Reading 1 Cor. 15:58-16:9, 2 Cor. 8:1-9

Who we are: ABible teaching Church that seeks to grow followers of Jesus

What we’re doing: Growing followers of Jesus, by growing in knowing Jesus, growing in living for Jesus, and growing in sharing the gospel of Jesus

Growing in Generosity is part of growing in living for Jesus.

A bit about how we do things as a church…

-When it comes to giving: In the New Testament ‘generosity’ is the overriding principle

-Let’s be a Bible Teaching Church that seeks to Grow Followers of Jesus, and excels in ‘generosity’

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Church: Clear on what we’re doing (Col 1)

Church: Clear on what we’re doing

(Bible Reading Colossians 1:3-14)

1. Last week: Clear on who we are

  • We are sinners made alive in Jesus by responding to the Gospel
  • We gather around Jesus and His Gospel as people who belong to Jesus and want to live for Him
  • we seek to GROW as followers of Jesus (by growing in knowing Jesus, growing in living for Jesus and growing in sharing the Gospel of Jesus)

2. Structures to help GROW people..

3. A Bible teaching Church in the western suburbs of Brisbane …

Preacher: Steve Blencowe