The Christmas Feast (Ex 16:11-22, John 6:22-42) CHRISTMAS DAY 2022

The Christmas Feast

Exodus 16:11-22, John 6:22-42

1. The crowd loves free food…

2. …but they ignore what the miracle pointed to

3. Jesus was sent to fix a spiritual starvation

4. This leaves you with an important choice to make…

Preacher: Stephen Young

The Mystery of God’s Mercy (Romans 9-11) 4 Dec 22

The ‘Mystery’ of God’s Mercy

Romans 9-11

(Reading: 9:1-5, 10:1-3, 11:25-12:1)

The problem of an unbelieving Israel… (Romans 9-11)

The ‘mystery’ is – God shows mercy to Israel & the nations

And Israel’s ‘fall’ is not complete… (11:1-10)

… nor is it final (11:11-24)

This ‘mystery’ demonstrates the mercy of God (11:25-32)

Are you living in the light of God’s Mercy (ch 12)

“I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery … so that you may not become conceited…” (Romans 11:25)

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)