The Identity of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17), Night Church, 6th Feb 2022

The Identity of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17)

Main Point: God uses broken people to fulfil his purposes

Point 1: Matthew is extremely concerned with the identity of Jesus

Point 2: Genealogies are very important!

Point 3: God uses a messy family tree to bring about his purposes

(Preacher: Stephen Young)

Church: Clear on what we’re doing (Ephesians 4:11-16)

Clear on What We’re Doing

Ephesians 4:11-16

1. Loving and serving our Church…

2. …is easier when we know who we are and what we’re doing:

a. we are a Bible teaching Church that seeks to grow followers of Jesus

b. so we each want to:

  • grow in knowing Jesus,
  • grow in living for Jesus, and
  • grow in making Jesus known

3. And this is how it works… Ephesians 4:11-16

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?

1. Interesting:

2. Question:

3. Pray:

The Character of the Church – 1 Peter 4:1-11 (Night Church)

2022-01-30 1 Peter 4:1-11 Steve Young The Character of the Church (Night Church)

The Character of the Church

(1 Peter 4:1-11)

Main Point: Our Church should be characterised by loving service of one another – for God’s glory

Point 1: Our character is shaped by what has been done
Point 2: Our character is shaped by what is to come
Point 3: Our character is shown in loving service of one another

Church: Clear on who we are (Colossians 3:1-17)

Clear on Who We Are

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:1-17

Let’s be clear on who we are as a Church (even during a pandemic!)

1. We have been made ALIVE in Jesus…

2. We GATHER around Jesus and His Gospel…


– by growing in KNOWING Jesus

– growing in LIVING FOR Jesus

– growing in SHARING THE GOSPEL of Jesus

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?

1. Interesting:

2. Question:

3. Pray:

The Aroma of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:174-3:18)

The Aroma of Christ

2 Corinthians 2:14-3:18

Sharing and growing the Gospel relies on:

– A victorious saviour not victorious messenger

– The power of God not the competence of the messenger

– A glorious message, not a glorious messenger

Preacher: Thom Herbert

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?

1. Interesting:

2. Question:

3. Pray:

Pray for each other … really! (1 John 5:13-21)

Pray for each other .. really!

1 John 5:13-21

Another tricky passage?

  1. A letter written to reassure Christians
  2. Christians should pray with confidence (v14-15)

We should pray for Christians who sin! (v16)

But not for … ? (v16-17)

  1. And keep ourselves from idols! (v21)

What to believe and what not to … (1 John 4:1-6)


1 John 4:1-6

1. What to believe and what not to

2. How to tell the difference

  • comes from the world
  • comes from God

3. And the reassurance that comes with getting it right

thoughts on tackling a tricky text ?

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?

1. Interesting:

2. Question:

3. Pray:

Loving Life (1 John 3:11-4:1)

Loving Life

1 John 3:11-4:1

John writes to Christians who need to know they are alive…

Love for brothers and sisters in Christ is a sign of being alive in Christ

  • it will mark us out as different to the world
  • it’s part of being obedient children of God

Are YOU alive and loving?

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Know You’re Alive (1 John 1:1-2:11)

Know You’re Alive!

1 John 1:1-2:11

Know you have eternal life (5:13)

  • A life in fellowship with God (1:1-4)
  • A life of walking in the light
  • growing awareness of sin (1:5-2:2)
  • and growing obedience (2:3-6)
  • A life of love (2:7-11)

You’ll know you’re really living when….

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Who do YOU see in the manger (Christmas) (Phil 2:5-11)

Who do YOU see in the Manger?

Philippians 2:5-11

1. God in human form?

2. A humble servant, obedient to death?

3. Now exalted, as Lord over all?

4. Who do YOU see in the manger?

Dear God
Sorry, for ignoring you.
Thank you, for sending Jesus to obediently live as a man, and die my death for me.
Please, forgive me and change me, to live for you.


Preacher: Steve Blencowe