The Perfect King
Isaiah 11-12
(Bible Reading 11)
Who He is
What He does
Where He leads us
(Preacher: Rayk Platzek)
a Bible teaching Church in Brisbane's west
The Perfect King
Isaiah 11-12
(Bible Reading 11)
Who He is
What He does
Where He leads us
(Preacher: Rayk Platzek)
Church: Gifts and the Body
(1 Corinthians 12)
1. Recognise the Spirit’s work by expressing submission to Christ (1-3)
2. Serve as God’s gifted you, for the common good (4-11)
3. Realise your diversity’s a crucial part of Christ’s united body (12-20)
4. Share united concern by accommodating others’ diversity (21-26)
5. Eagerly desire gifts that build the body (27-31)
Preacher: Andreas Mayer
Learning to Trust
Isaiah 7:1-10:4
(Bible Reading 7:1-17)
The shape of these chapters:
Look more closely at 7:1-25
Look a little more closely (v13-16 in particular)
Now stand back and look accross 7:1-10:4 again
What can we learn, from Isaiah, about living for God in our own real-life (often ‘messy’) situations?
(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
Here’s some of the isaiah 7-10 from Sunday
Freedom in the Church
(1 Corinthians 11:2-34)
This passage has a few tricky bits:
o angels (v. 10), and long hair on men? (v. 14)
So, we should start by looking at what we do know from the text:
Preacher: Stephen Young
Before The Throne of God
Isaiah 6
God’s glory is incomparable
Hearts will inevitably be changed
Repentance is met with cleansing atonement
This encounter with God ends with proclamation by his messenger
(Preacher: Thom Herbert)
Freedom and its Dangers
(1 Corinthians 10:1-11:1)
Reading 1 Cor 10:23-11:1
The dangers of abusing our freedom… (an example from history!)
We do not have freedom to sin…
…but God is faithful (v. 13), and will help us live for him
Preacher: Stephen Young
Who Do You Trust?
Isaiah 2:6-4:6
(Reading 2:6-22)
God has a vision… (1:1-2:5)
… that focuses on ‘the Day of the LORD’ (2:6-4:6)
Isaiah gives a ‘poetic’ summary of what will happen ‘in that day’ (2:6-22)
The conclusion and application are in the last verse of the summary (2:22)
So, who are you putting your trust in?
(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
Freedom to Restrict Ourselves
(1 Corinthians 9)
Reading 1 Cor 9:13-26
For Paul, running the race means giving up his own rights…
…because he would rather do this, than hinder the gospel of Christ
Where are you running ‘aimlessly’?
Preacher: Stephen Young
Hope For The Nations
Isaiah 1:1-2:5 (Reading 1:1-20, 2:1-5)
Isaiah’s vision – of hope in the midst of defeat
A vision of the transformation of Zion
A vision of hope for the nations
Do you know this hope?
(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
Freedom and Others
(1 Corinthians 8)
The Corinthians seek answers about Christian freedoms…
…but Paul highlights the REAL issue at hand
True knowledge loves and builds up the church
Preacher: Stephen Young