1 Corinthians 15:1-11, 54-58
What if dead men don't rise?
How do we know Jesus was raised?
The glorious resurrection of believers?
(preacher: Rayk Platzek)
a Bible teaching Church in Brisbane's west
If you missed a sermon you can catch-up here.
1 Corinthians 15:1-11, 54-58
What if dead men don't rise?
How do we know Jesus was raised?
The glorious resurrection of believers?
(preacher: Rayk Platzek)
The Foolishness of the Cross
1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 & Luke 23:35-43
Why preach an unpopular message?
Because it’s the most crucial event in human history
The cross highlights:
– The seriousness and severity of our rejection of God
– Our inability find God on our own terms
– Jesus’ death in our place, as the only answer
(Preacher: Steve Young)
Like the thief, you can be forgiven and saved through Jesus’ sacrifice in your place…
…will you accept this unpopular message?
Tremble at His Word
Isaiah 66
The conclusion of the vision of transformation (1:1)
What God wants is people who are humble, contrite and tremble at His word… (66:2)
…and that is what God will ultimately have
We’re either in or we’re out…
…are you in?
(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
Church: Order and Worship
(1 Corinthians 14)
The best thing we can do is build up the Church
Paul uses the Corinthians’ obsession with gifts to make this point clear (v. 12)
If we love and build in an ‘orderly way’, we reflect the nature of God himself
Preacher: Stephen Young
Trust and Prayer
Isaiah 36-39 (Bible Reading 36-37:4)
Isaiah shows us the importance of trusting God..
.. by recounting two parallel situations
Two situations where trust led Hezekiah to pray
Hezekiah was not perfect, but he knew to pray..
.. do you?
(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
Church: Love
(1 Corinthians 13)
What love isn’t… (vv. 1-3)
What love is… (vv. 4-6)
What love does… (v. 7)
How far love goes… (vv. 8-13)
Preacher: Stephen Young
The Perfect King
Isaiah 11-12
(Bible Reading 11)
Who He is
What He does
Where He leads us
(Preacher: Rayk Platzek)
Church: Gifts and the Body
(1 Corinthians 12)
1. Recognise the Spirit’s work by expressing submission to Christ (1-3)
2. Serve as God’s gifted you, for the common good (4-11)
3. Realise your diversity’s a crucial part of Christ’s united body (12-20)
4. Share united concern by accommodating others’ diversity (21-26)
5. Eagerly desire gifts that build the body (27-31)
Preacher: Andreas Mayer
Learning to Trust
Isaiah 7:1-10:4
(Bible Reading 7:1-17)
The shape of these chapters:
Look more closely at 7:1-25
Look a little more closely (v13-16 in particular)
Now stand back and look accross 7:1-10:4 again
What can we learn, from Isaiah, about living for God in our own real-life (often ‘messy’) situations?
(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
Here’s some of the isaiah 7-10 from Sunday
Freedom in the Church
(1 Corinthians 11:2-34)
This passage has a few tricky bits:
o angels (v. 10), and long hair on men? (v. 14)
So, we should start by looking at what we do know from the text:
Preacher: Stephen Young