With All Your Heart (Deuteronomy 6-11) 27 August

With All Your Heart

Deuteronomy 6-11 (Reading: ch 6)


“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul…”  

(4:29, 6:5, 10:12, 11:13, 13:4, 26:16, 30:2,6,10)


Implications for Old Covenant Israel, as the LORD God brought them into the land of Canaan, 


Implications for New Covenant Christians?


Deuteronomy – three ‘sermons’ from Moses

1.     a history lesson (chapters 1-4)

2.     Gods law’s and decrees (chapters 5-28)

3.     looking to the future (chapters 29-30)

transition from Moses to Joshua (chapters 31-34)


Life and Death (Genesis 4-5) NightChurch 20th August


Genesis 4-5

(Reading: Genesis 4)

Eve gives birth…

Is this the one who will crush the serpent’s head??

Unfortunately, not! The problem of sin spreads further…

– Cain murders his brother

– Lamech follows in Cain’s footsteps (4:23-24)

Eve gives birth again…

This time, her offspring begin to proclaim the name of the LORD (4:26)

(Preacher: Stephen Young)

A Political Promise We Can Trust? (2 Sam7) 13 August

A Political Promise We Can Turst?

2 Samuel 7


1.    David wants to build a house for God (v1-7)


2.    But God promises to build a house (dynasty) for David! (v8-17) 


3.    A quick look at David’s response (v18-29)


4.    So how is this promise fulfilled?

(Preacher: Lawrence Claire)

Disaster in Eden (Genesis 3) NightChurch 13th Aug


Genesis 3

The pursuit of WISDOM, ironically, leads to the most FOOLISH act in human history…

• The serpent attacks God’s Word (v. 1)

• Eve doubts God’s Word (v. 2)

• Adam completely ignores God’s Word (v. 6)

But there’s HOPE…

• The serpent will be crushed (v. 15)

• God’s judgment is death… but Eve becomes the mother of the living (v. 20)

• A NEW Adam has come…

Preacher: Stephen Young

God’s Masterpiece: Humanity (Genesis 2:4-25) NightChurch 7th August


Genesis 2:4-25

Chapter two zooms in on the garden…

…showing that we were created:

– in God’s image

– male and female

– to jointly rule over creation, and

– to enjoy the presence of God

But this chapter of Genesis also leaves hints that sin will soon break these things…

Preacher: Stephen Young

The LORD is God, there is no other – Deut 4:1-40 (6th August)

The LORD is God, there is no other

Deuteronomy 4:1-40 (Reading v23-40)


The Lord is God – there is no other  v39

  • God who is ‘a jealous God’ v24

  • God who is a ‘merciful God’ v31


Listen to the Lord your God


(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

The God of Creation (Gen 1:1-2:3) NightChurch 23 July

The God of Creation

Genesis 1:1-2:3

(Col 1:15-17; Rev 21:1-5)


What is the point of Genesis 1?

–       The heavens, the earth… and the deep? (vv. 1-2)

God forms and fills the earth by his powerful Word, Jesus


Jesus conquers ‘the deep’ and will soon bring heaven to earth!

Preacher: Stephen Young

Learning to Love and Obey the LORD (Deut. 1-4) 23 July


Deuteronomy 1-4 (Reading 1:1-8 & 1:26-40)

1. Learning lessons, then and now

  • God is in control of everything

  • God is faithful to his promises
  • God calls on His people to obey him

2. Has anything changed?

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)