Jesus: Is he Your King (Zech 9v9) 17 Dec

Jesus: Is he Your King?

Zechariah 9:9 (reading ch 9)

“See, your king comes to you,

righteous and victorious,

lowly and riding on a donkey”


 What was Zechariah talking about?


 What did Jesus do?


 What’s this got to do with Christmas?


 Is Jesus your King?


The Christ: Token Leader or True Lord? (Mark 8) 10 Dec


Mark 8

Bible Reading (vv. 22-38)

Who do you say Jeaus is?

What kind of King do you want the Christ to be?

  • A Token Leader who gives you what you want?
  • The True Lord to whom you owe your whole life?

Does the way you live bear witness to who you say Jesus is?

(Preacher: Thomas Herbert)

Jesus: Knows Your Heart! (Mark 7) 3 Dec

Jesus: Knows Your Heart!

Mark 7


Jesus hates people being heartlessly religious (vv. 1-13)


Our real problem is our evil heart (vv. 14-23)



Jesus solves our heart problem, 

and his solution is for everyone (vv. 24-37)


(Preacher: Andreas Mayer) 


Jesus: Just Believe (Mark 5:21-43) 19 Nov

Jesus: Just Believe?

Mark 5:21-43


Two examples of people learning to trust/believe …


A father who learned to trust Jesus’ power to give life to the dead


A woman who trusted Jesus to give peace when she was in despair


Mark challenges us to believe in Jesus too!



(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Jesus: Can You Trust His Authority? (Mark 4:35-5:20) 12 Nov

Jesus: Can You Trust His Authority?

Mark 4:35-5:20


What do you fear the most?


Mark shows us that Jesus has authority over EVERYTHING, including: 

–       outward storms (4:35-41)

–       inward storms (5:1-20)

–       and even death itself


…which leads people to fear him! 
                               (4:41, 5:15, 5:33, 5:42)


What would you do if you saw God?

(Preacher: Steve Young)

Jesus: Are you listening to Him? (Mk 4:1-34) 5 Nov

Jesus: Are You Listening to Him?

Mark 4:1-34 (Reading 4:1-20)


 Have you heard this parable before? 


                        …be careful not to switch off! (vv. 3, 9)


Here’s how…

1: Lean into Jesus (v. 10)

2: Grow in Jesus (v. 20)

3: Don’t expect spiritual realities to be simple… (v. 11)

4: Be assured that God changes hearts! (vv. 26-29)

(Preacher: Steve Young)

Jesus: Do you Accept His Authority?

Jesus: Do You Accept His Authority?

Mark 2:13-3:35

Bible Reading: 2:13-3:6


 Jesus hates religion 


–       Mark gives us five examples


The gospel is ENTIRELY about Jesus… not religion! 


Some accept his authority; others don’t…


…what about you?

(Preacher: Steve YOUNG)

Jesus: His Authority and Priority (Mk1:14-2:17) (22 Oct)

Jesus: His Authority and Priority

Mark 1:14-2:17 (Bible Reading:1:21-38)


That is why I have come  – to preach 1:38

– his authority and his compassion

– his priority and his ‘problem’


That is why I have come – to call sinners 2:17

– his compassion and his authority

– his ‘problem’ and his priority


Hard-edged compassion

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)