What it takes to be a Christian. Mark 10 (25 Feb)

What it Takes to be a Christian

Mark 10 (Reading 10:1-34)


There are lots of ways to not let God be God and Jesus be King

Consider      .. the Pharisees

                   .. the rich man

                   .. even the disciples

                   .. and what about us?


Think about what it cost Jesus to be King (v32-34)


And look at the examples Mark gives – to help us understand what it takes for us to let Jesus be King


So… how are you going?

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Church: What are we doing? (18 Feb)

Church: What are we doing?

Reading: Ephesians 4:1-16


As a Church we encourage each other to keep living with Jesus as Lord and Saviour (eg. Hebrews 10)


As a Church we are ALL involved (Ephesians 4)


We are a Bible Teaching Church that seeks to grow followers of Jesus 


We want to grow in knowing Jesus

                  grow in living for Jesus

                  grow in making Jesus known

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Reconciled to The Supreme Son (Colossians 1:15-23) 28 Jan

Reconciled to The Supreme Son

Colossians 1:15-23


A Copernican Revolution …

The Son is Supreme over all Creation (15-17)


The Son is Supreme over all New Creation (18-20)


Reconciled to Revolve Around the Supreme Son (21-23)



(Preacher: Andreas Mayer)

Firm and Fruitful in the Faith (Col 1:24-2:7) 21st Jan

Firm and Fruitful

Colossians 1:24-2:7


Gospel proclamation results in suffering, but that suffering is on behalf of Christ and His Church


Gospel proclamation involves revealing a wondrous mystery to all people 


Gospel proclamation produces beautiful fruit in the lives of those who receive it.

(preacher: Thom Herbert) 

⁠Living Knowing our Gospel Lord⁠ (Col 1:1-14) 14 Jan

Living Knowing our Gospel Lord

Colossians 1:1-14


Since the day you heard …

… Gospel-shaped hope


Since the day we heard …

… Gospel-shaped prayer


Live a life worthy …

… Gospel-shaped living


(Preacher – Andreas Mayer)

Time to accept help? (Mark 9) 7th Jan

Time To Accept Help?

Mark 9

(Bible Reading 9:14-37)


1. God tells us to listen to Jesus …

         “This is my Son, whom I love. LISTEN to him!” (9:7)


2. … and Jesus says…

         “O unbelieving Generation..” (9:19)


         “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed…”(9:31)


         “If anyone wants to be first, he must be last..  (9:35)


3. Is it time to accept some help?


 The structure of Mark

chapters 1-8

chapters 9-16 

*chapters 9-10

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe.. microwave sermon!)



The Ultimate Joy in 2024? (Philippians 1:12-20) 31 Dec, 2023

The Ultimate Joy in 2024?

Philippians 1:12-20

For Paul, the gospel is more important than his:

 –      Freedom 

–      Reputation 

–      Life


In what ways can you find joy in the gospel in 2024?

(Preacher: Stephen Young)