Sing to the LORD All the Earth (Psalm 96) 5 May

Sing to the Lord All the Earth

Psalm 96


Why do we sing?


This Psalm as God’s Word..

.. to Israel in the Psalter 

.. fulfilled in Christ

.. to us today


This Psalm as our words to God…

  .. our Prayer

.. and our Praise


(Preacher: Andrew Brown)

A Call to Praise (Psalm 146-150) 21 April

A Call to Praise 

Psalm 146-150 (reading Psalm 149-150)


1. This Psalm as God’s Word..

.. to Israel in the Psalter 

.. fulfilled in Christ

.. to us today


2. This Psalm as our words to God…

.. our Prayer

… and our Praise


(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

An Introduction to the Psalms (Psalm 1-2) 14 April

Introduction to the Psalms

Psalm 1-2



The Psalms as our words to God




The Psalms as God’s word to us




Psalms 1-2 as an introduction and invitation 




The Psalms for Israel




The Psalms for us


(Preacher: Andrew Brown)

Living Christ-Shaped (Colossians 3:1-17) 7th April


Colossians 3:1-17

Your true self: raised secure with Christ above (1-4)

So consider yourselves dead to worldly living (5-9)

Your new self: being renewed in Christ’s image (10-11)

So live as Christ-clothed people (12-17)

(Preacher: Andreas Mayer)

Good Friday?? (Mark 15)

Good Friday?

Mark 15:16-39



The king that isn't…? 


The saviour that didn't…? 


Good Friday?


Dear God, 

Sorry, for living life my way like you don't exist. 

Thank you for sending Jesus to take my punishment for me. 

Please forgive me, and change me, to live for you. 



(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Jesus changes EVERYTHING (Mark 14-16)

Jesus Changes EVERYTHING

Mark 14:1-16:8



Mark shows us Jesus knew what was to happen… (10:33-34 ch14-16)



…and that Jesus knew the significance  (14:32-42 & 15:33-34)



Do YOU understand the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection?


(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Stay Focused (Mark 13) 17 March

Stay Focused!!

Mark 13

The fishermen are given their instructions (cf 1:16-20)

This section is ‘apocalyptic’, full of OT images of judgement – which remind us of the times we are in

  • These are the things we should expect
  • These are the things we should avoid
  • These are the things we should do

We have a lot in common with the fishermen – they stayed focused, will you?

(preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Giving your ALL? (Mark 11:27-12:44) 10 March

Giving your ALL?

Mark 11:27-12:44

(Reading: 11:27-33 & 12:35-44)


Why does Mark tell us about the widow?  (12:41-44) 


What’s happening in the rest of this passage? 


Jesus’ authority is challenged


While Jesus continues to teach


So, what can we learn about giving our all?

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)


Jesus: King and Judge (Mark 11:1-25) 3 March

Jesus: King and Judge

Mark 11:1-25


What Jerusalem saw…



What the disciples saw…



What Mark wants us to see…

  •  Jesus: the saviour-King of Israel, and of the nations
  • Jesus: the Judge of Israel, and of the nations
  • ..and what Jesus our King and Judge wants…

 (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)