Jesus and Faith (Luke 7:1-23)

Jesus and Faith

Luke 7:1-23

1. What makes Jesus say: “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel”? (7:9)

2. And what does Luke show us about faith in Israel?




3. Is your faith in Jesus like the faith of the centurion?

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Jesus Changes Us (Luke 6:12-49)

Jesus Changes Us

Luke 6:12-49

Followers of Jesus build on firm foundations (46-49)

We expect to change…

  • in what we value (20-26)
  • in how we love (27-36)
  • in how we view others (37-42)

It is a change that begins in our heart (43-45)

How firm are your foundations?

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Jesus Changes Everything (Luke 5:33-6:11)

Jesus Changes Everything

Luke 5:33-6:11

Luke’s orderly account has shown Jesus’ authority, his compassion, his purpose…

Now Luke includes three incidents that show growing opposition to Jesus

  • the question of fasting and a parable (5:33-39)
  • picking grain on the Sabbath (6:1-5)
  • healing on the Sabbath (6:6-11)

Can you see that Jesus changes everything?

But opposition to Jesus continues!

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Jesus goes ‘fishing’ (Luke 5:1-16)


Luke 5:1-16

Luke has shown us Jesus’ baptism, temptation, teaching, miracles and now…

  • a fishing miracle which shows Simon he’s a sinner – unworthy of being in God’s presence (v1-10)
  • and a miracle that shows Jesus restore an outcast considered unworthy of being in God’s presence (v12-16)

Jesus says Simon will do a different kind of ‘fishing’ (v10-11)

So, what does all that mean for us?

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Jesus’ Miracles (or is it his authority?) (Luke 4:31-44

JESUS’ MIRACLES (Or is it Jesus’ Authority?)

Luke 4:31-44

Luke has shown us Jesus’ baptism, temptation, teaching and now Jesus’ miracles

Jesus did various miracles in Capernaum:

  • v33-37 freed a man oppressed by a demon
  • v38-39 and a woman suffering from a fever
  • v40 healed individuals from various kinds of sickness
  • v41 and cast out demons from many

But what Luke wants us to see if Jesus’ amazing authority……

and Jesus’ priority

How do YOU respond to Jesus’ authority and his priority?

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Jesus’ Teaching (Luke 4:14-30)


Luke 4:14-30

Luke has shown us Jesus’ temptation and now his teaching

Jesus preaches a message of fulfilment and freedom

Jesus’ teaching will generate mixed responses……

many will not accept Jesus as Son of God and Saviour

How do YOU respond to Jesus’ teaching?

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Jesus and Temptation (Luke 4:1-13)

Jesus and Temptation

Luke 4:1-13

Luke’s Gospel is written to show us Jesus…

God The Son who became one of us (3:21-37)

The Son of God (3:22)

When Jesus was tempted by Satan……

  • He trusted the word of God (Dt. 8:3)…
  • continued to serve God alone (Dt. 6:13)…
  • and did not put God to the test (Dt. 6:16)

Jesus is perfectly equipped to help us when we are tempted!(Heb. 2:14-18)

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

How do we stand firm in the Lord? (Philippians 4)

How do we stand firm in the Lord?

Philippians 4

Paul’s instructions for standing firm in the Lord (v 2-9)

  1. Resolve conflict and work in gospel partnership
  2. Rejoice in the Lord always
  3. Do all things with a prayerful attitude of thanksgiving
  4. Be active – living a gospel shaped life

Paul as an example of how to stand firm in the Lord (v10-23)

Preacher: Rayk Platzek

Do You Know Jesus as Lord and Saviour? (Luke 24) – Easter Sunday


Luke’s Gospel – Chapter 24

Luke’s Gospel was written to demonstrate that Jesus is the Messiah – our Lord and Saviour

Luke tells us about Jesus’ Resurrection

Shows us genuine responses to an unlikely event

An event with lasting significance

Do you know Jesus as Lord and Saviour?

BIBLE READINGS First Reading: Luke 24:1-12 Second Reading: Luke 24:13-35 Third Reading: Luke 24:36-49

Preacher: Steve Blencowe