Sex and Freedom (1 Cor 6) – NightChurch

Sex and Freedom

1 Corinthians 6

1: How things END… should affect how you live NOW

Paul provides two examples in 1 Cor 6:

a) Christian Lawsuits

b) Sexual Immorality

2: God also wants you to live differently because:

– you have been washed, sanctified and justified (v. 11)

– your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (v. 19)

– you were bought at a price (v. 20)

(Preacher: Stephen Young)

God’s Word and Holiness (Ezra 9-10)

God’s Word and Holiness

Ezra 9-10

God’s people show deep faithlessness… (9:1-2)

…and the mess is complex to unravel (9:3-10:44)

Holiness and faithfulness still matter for Christians

though much has changed…

…God remains the same

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

A First-hand Example of Living by God’s Word (Ezra 7-8)

A First-hand Example of Living by God’s Word

Ezra 7-8

(Reading 7:1-10, 8:31-36)

A passage that shows a powerful God at work

And a first-hand example of living by God’s Word

– Ezra practiced what he preached (7:10)

– trusted his sovereign God (7:28, 8:22)

– and was busy himself (7:6b, 8:15-17,21)

Some tips for Living by the Word of a powerful God

Overview of the passage

7:1-10 Narrator’s introduction

7:11-26 Artaxerxes’ letter

7:27-8:36 Ezra’s account

  • 7:27-28 – praising God
  • 8:1-14 – names of the returnees
  • 8:15-32 – the journey to Jerusalem
  • 8:33-36 – arrival and sacrifices

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?

1. Interesting:

2. Question:

3. Pray:

Fools and Kings! (1 Corinthians 3-4) – NightChurch

Fools and Kings!

1 Corinthians 3-4

(Reading 1 Cor 3:18-4:13)

1: Paul highlights the ‘rewards’ of faithful Gospel ministry…

2: These ‘rewards’ are the opposite of what some of the Corinthians expected

3: Be careful not to look for glory in the wrong places

(Preacher: Stephen Young)

Expect Opposition to living by God’s Word (Ezra 4-6)

Expect Opposition to Living by God’s Word

Ezra 4-6

(Reading 4:1-5, 5:1-2, 6:13-18)

The Israelites faced opposition as they attempted to build God’s temple.

But God’s prophets continued to speak His word

And God continued to show His supreme sovereignty.

There are lessons we can learn.

– We too should expect opposition to living for God.

– But we know God still speaks through His word.

– And God does not change. He is unfailingly faithful, supremely sovereign and desires people to live by His word.

(preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Living by God’s Word is the Priority (Ezra 3)

Living by God’s Word is the Priority

Ezra 3

In Ezra 3 the people prioritise living by God’s word..

.. and the temple plays an important part

God is still working to the same plan

.. but His temple looks a little different

Our priority should still be – to live by God’s word

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Christ Divided (1 Cor 1:1-17) – NightChurch

Christ Divided

1 Corinthians 1:1-17

1: Unity troubles plague the Corinthian Church

2: Paul reminds the Corinthians of who they are in Christ

3: Three truths about Jesus which help our unity…

– Christ is Whole

– Christ was crucified for you

– Christ is your Lord

Preacher: Stephen Young