Have you accepted God’s gift? (Romans 4)

Have you accepted God’s gift? (Romans 4)

Romans 1-3 The Gospel of Jesus reveals the undeserved gift of being right with God

Romans 4 Abraham is THE example of receiving the undeserved gift of being right with God

  • Abraham was not declared right with God by works
  • or by circumcision
  • or through the law
  • Abraham was justified by faith

Have you accepted the undeserved gift of being right with God?

(preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Are you Right with God? (Romans 3:21-31)

Are YOU right with God?

Romans 3:21-31

The Bible says no one is right with God

But, in Jesus, God provides a way for us to be right with God (vv. 21-24)

Jesus deals with our sin and God’s need to punish sin (vv. 25-26)

If we are right with God through trusting in Jesus, then

… we have nothing to boast in

… and we can be sure that we are forgiven

So, are you right with God?

Preacher: Stephen Young

Stuck Under the Power of Sin (Romans 2:12-3:20)

Stuck Under the Power of Sin

Romans 2:12-3:20
(Bible Reading: 3:1-20)

Limited obedience to the law does NOT make us right with God…

The verdict: No one is righteous

How do we solve the problem of sin?

– The world’s answers

– God’s answer

But now…” (v. 21)

Preacher: Stephen Young

How to Respond to God’s Anger at Sin? (Romans 1:18-2:11)

How to Respond to God’s Anger at Sin?

Romans 1:18-2:11

The reality of God’s anger at sin

  • the fact of God’s wrath (1:18)
  • the reason for God’s wrath (1:18-20)
  • the expression of God’s wrath, now (1:21-32)
  • the coming day of God’s wrath (2:5-11)

God’s wrath is justified

How should we respond?

(preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Living by the Word of our Powerful God (Nehemiah 13)

Living by the Word of our Powerful God

Nehemiah 13

(Reading 13:1-13)

Another messy ending!

Neither Ezra nor Nehemiah could change people’s hearts – only Jesus can do that

What else can we learn from their attempt to live by the word of our powerful God?

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Christian Marriage (1 Cor 7:1-24) – NightChurch

Christian Marriage (Part 1)

Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:1-24

1: God has given “gifts” to all Christians (v. 7)

– What they are

– What they aren’t

2: Paul addresses questions about marriage…

3: …but being a faithful follower of Jesus is what really matters

(Preacher: Stephen Young)