Come and See (John 1:35-51)

Come and see

John 1:35-51


“The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world..”                                                               (John 1:9)


John has shown us the ‘witness to the light’. Now we see people meet Him.

  • Andrew and John? 
  • Simon
  • Philip
  • Nathanael


“Come and see”  1:39 and 1:46


“…We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son.. (John 1:14)

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Witness to Jesus (John 1:19-34, 3:22-36)

A Witness to Jesus

John 1:19-34 and 3:22-36

(Bible Reading: John 1:19-34)



Meet John ‘the Baptist’ (1:6-8, 15, 19-34 and 3:22-36)



Some of the questions we want answers to?


What John and John want us to know about Jesus



 Is there anything we can learn from John the Baptist?

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Jesus Shows Us God (John 1:1-18)

Jesus Shows Us God

(Bible Reading: John 1:1-18)


1.          How to put into words the miracle of the incarnation!


2.          Jesus shows us God 


3.          Many do not recognise him


4.          Those who do, can become children of God


(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Do you believe? (Intro to John)

Do you Believe?

(Bible Reading: John 20:24-31)


An introduction to John’s Gospel:

“..that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God,  and that by believing you may have life in his name.”                                                     


Thomas’ story: he needed to see, to believe…



But Jesus says you don’t have to see to believe…   (v29)


and John has given us evidence so we may believe   (v30-31)



Do you believe?

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Church: What are we doing?

Church: What are we doing?

A topical sermon 

(Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:1-16)


A Bible Teaching Church that seeks to grow followers of Jesus…


as we each grow in knowing Jesus

                                    in living for Jesus 

                                    and in making Jesus known


What we do when we meet…

What we do when we scatter…


 (Preacher: Steve Blencowe) 

“So long as you’re happy.. that’s the main thing”


Bible Reading: Matthew 5:1-12

What do people mean?

“So long as you’re happy, that’s the main thing?”

What does the Bible say?

What does Jesus say about being happy?

Where does that leave us?

Don’t live for short-term happiness!

(preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Temporary Venue Change – Morning Church

Due to construction works at Kenmore South State School we’ve had to re-locate our 9:30am Sunday Morning Church service to our Church property at 1 Pullenvale Road for two Sundays: 12th January and 19th January.

We’ll return to the Kenmore South State School Hall on Sunday 26th January.

It’s a little cosy at 1 Pullenvale Road, so you might consider coming to NightChurch instead on the 12th and the 19th. NightChurch is at 5:30pm in the Kenmore Uniting Church building 982 Moggill Road, Kenmore.

1 Pullenvale Road. Opposite the Fire Station and across the road from Rafting Ground Reserve.

It’s a bit cosy!