“So long as you’re happy.. that’s the main thing”


Bible Reading: Matthew 5:1-12

What do people mean?

“So long as you’re happy, that’s the main thing?”

What does the Bible say?

What does Jesus say about being happy?

Where does that leave us?

Don’t live for short-term happiness!

(preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Considering Christ at Christmas

Considering CHRIST at Christmas

Matthew 1:18-25


The birth of Jesus appeared to be somewhat of a crisis … which could have ended … badly


But God was working to a bigger plan…


A plan which had been unfolding since… a long time ago


A plan for God to be with us (Immanuel)


A plan to save people from sin (Joshua)

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

Considering CHRIST at Christmas (Matthew 1:1-17)

Considering CHRIST at Christmas

Matthew 1:1-17


purposeful genealogy of Jesus the CHRIST (1&17)  

–      Shaped by 2 covenants (displaying God’s kindness)

–      covering 3 epochs (showing God’s faithfulness)

–      including 5 names which highlight God’  merciful sovereignty (over lives impacted by human sinfulness)


A genealogy which shows the CHRIST of Christmas as the climax of God’s plans for everything!! 


And gives HOPE for sinners like you and I

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

From Babel to Babble

From Babel to Babble

Genesis 11:1-9



Babel shows the stubbornness and seriousness of sinful human hearts – like ours


1.⁠ ⁠New beginning..

         …same sinful humanity


2.⁠ ⁠Limitless potential… 

          …with sin in the mix…



But our merciful God can save sinful hearts


3.⁠ ⁠Pentecost to Parousia – the resolution of Babel



 (Preacher: Thom Herbert)

⁠Abram The Rich Warrior?⁠ (Gen 14)

Abram The Rich Warrior?

Genesis 14


1.          Why does the Bible record this account – of Abram’s wealth and his success in battle?


2.          In the context of Genesis, this account reminds us to trust that God will keep His promises


3.          In the context of the Bible, we’re introduced to a king/priest – which helps us understand Jesus


4.          So, what do we learn from this account….


 (Preacher: Steve Blencowe)



Have you had enough? 1 Kings 19

Have you had enough?

1 Kings 19


A very quick recap of 1 Kings 18  

– Yahweh is God, anyone else is a pretender 

What does Yahweh say to a prophet who’s had enough?

  – Remember who I am (v11-12)

– And get back to work (v15-17)

– And remember that you’re not alone (v18) 

Ministry is hard (2 Cor 4:7-12), but let’s keep going


(Preacher: Lawrence Claire)

The Beginning and God’s Sovereignty (Genesis 37:2-50:26)

The Beginning and God’s Sovereignty

Genesis 37:2-50:26

(Reading 37:2-20 and 50:15-20)



“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” Genesis 50:20 (NIV)


The story of Joseph teaches us about God:


  • God’s sovereignty over everything
  • God’s faithfulness to His word
  • and God’s mercy


The story of Joseph helps us understand the Gospel of Jesus


And the Gospel of Jesus gives us a decision to make!

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)

The Beginning and God’s Choice (Genesis 25-37)

The Beginning and God’s Choice  

Genesis 25:19-37:1

(Reading 27:1-33)


The account of Abraham’s son Isaac…

  • .. is a selective account which shows God fulfilling his promises to Abraham
  • .. and shows the way God chooses, despite human sinfulness

The account of Abraham’s son Isaac teaches us to trust in God’s mercy and to keep living for Him

(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)