What is the church?
Ephesians 2
The Church is NOT a human invention…
…it is a divine institution
So belonging to the Church is not a matter of external attachment…
…it’s about Jesus
Preacher: Steve Young
a Bible teaching Church in Brisbane's west
What is the church?
Ephesians 2
The Church is NOT a human invention…
…it is a divine institution
So belonging to the Church is not a matter of external attachment…
…it’s about Jesus
Preacher: Steve Young
Church: Who We ARE
Bible Reading: Hebrews 12:18-29
1. We are SINNERS made part of Christ’s Church
2. We GATHER around Christ, and His Gospel
3. We seek to GROW followers of Christ
(Preacher: Steve Blencowe)
Bible Studies in Isaiah 40-55 for Growth Groups.
Stand Firm
Philippians 4:1
1. A letter to partners in the gospel …
2. … with some final instructions…
3. …that we can summarise in two words: stand firm!
(preacher: Steve Blencowe)
Worth the Most
Philippians 3:1-11
1. No other worth (1-6)
2. Compares to being in Christ (7-9)
3. And becoming like him (10-11)
Preacher: Andreas Mayer
Humility in Christ
Philippians 2:1-11
Why humility is so important as believers:
Because Christ is the supreme example of humility
Humility is necessary for unity
Christ shows us that humility is:
Valuing others above yourself
Meeting others where they’re at
Not self-glorification, but trusting in God’s promises for the future Glory
Preacher: Thom Herbert
(Readings: Gen 2:15; Matt 11:28-30; 1 Cor 10:31)
1. Why do we work?
2. Why do we need to rest?
3. What’s the right motivation for work?
Preacher: Rayk Platzek