The Amazing Gift of Complete Forgiveness (Leviticus 16)


Leviticus 16

(Reading Hebrews 9:1-14)

1. Yom Kippur is the day to make things right with God

2. The same procedure was repeated every year
1-10 Preparations
11-14 Sin offering for the priest
15-19 Sin offering for the community
20-22 Scapegoat
23-25 Burnt offerings for the priest and the community
26-28 Finishing up
29-34 Instructions to repeat

3. Understanding all this helps us appreciate the finished work of Jesus – and the amazing gift of complete forgiveness! (Hebrews 9)

Dear God,
I am sorry for rebelling against you and living like you don’t exist.
Thank you for Jesus’ sacrifice that atones for my sin.
Please forgive me, change me, and help me live for you.

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Youth Group Notes
What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about?
1. Interesting:

2. Question:

3. Pray:

An Education in Purity (Leviticus 11-15)

An Education in Purity

Leviticus 11-15

1. Leviticus gives us an education in purity

• Rules, rules, and more rules…

• The lessons behind the rules

11:44 God is holy and His people are to be holy

15:31 No-one can approach God without being ‘clean’

2. Jesus can make sinful hearts pure

• Mark 5:24-34

• Mark 7:1-23

3. Lessons continue: only Jesus can make us clean!

Preacher: Steve Blencowe

Youth Group Notes

What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about this week?

1. Interesting:

2. Question:

3. Pray:

The Virtue of Intolerance (2 Peter 2)


(2 PETER 2)

1. NOTHING is more damaging than spreading lies about Jesus:

  • It is damaging to those who listen (recall 2 Peter 1)

  • And to those who spread them (2 Peter 2)

2. Weshould EXPECT people to propagate lies about Jesus

  • And recognise the character of those spread such lies

  • While humbly trusting God to JUDGE

  • and God to SAVE

3. Consider the virtue ofINTOLERANCE…

Preacher: Steve Blencowe


What is ONE thing that’s interesting from today’s sermon, one question to keep thinking about and one thing to pray about this week?

1. Interesting:

2. Question:

3. Pray: