Morning Church
Church on Sunday morning is made up of people of all ages, backgrounds and stages of life. We sing, we pray, we hear the Bible taught, and we catch-up over morning tea. Bible teaching is intended to be at the heart of our morning and we hope that our understanding of the Bible will shape the other things that we do together as a church.
On Sunday mornings (in school terms) we run KPCkids during the sermon. Partly so that the kids can learn from the Bible at their level, and partly so that their parents can too.
You are welcome to join us, we have visitors at church each week.

NightChurch is similar to Morning Church, we sing, we pray, we hear the Bible taught, and most weeks we catch-up over a meal after Church.
Being later in the day, NightChurch attracts a slightly younger group, and has a more relaxed feel.
During school terms we run Youth Group before NightChurch.
Everyone is welcome to come to church twice on a Sunday – but most choose one or the other and make that congregation their home.