Let us know how you can serve NightChurch Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Which NightChurch Roles can you serve in? Or help with? Open-up: arrive at 4.45pm with key/s (or collect keys from Youth Group) and open the Church then give a hand with what needs doing.Sound / Tech: arrive at 4.45pm (yep, it’s not compatible with youth group during term time) lug the sound gear up from the downstairs store-room and set-up the sound and projector, then pack-up after Church. You don't need to be an expert, it's all stuff that you can learn in 5min.Welcomer: arrive at 5pm and make sure notices (and Bibles?) are at the back of church. Stand at the back of church welcoming until 5min after church has started. You can use ‘handing out a notice sheet’ as an excuse for saying hello to everyone. Then, after church starts. keep an eye on doors (open/close), lights, fans etc during church.Music/Singing: arrive at 4.45pm for practice.. and the do what musicians do. James indicated he’s happy to keep coordinating (thanks James), so if you’re interested in helping with music or singing, I’ll let James know.NightChurch Kids: need 2 PresSafe approved adults each week… if you’re interested in helping with this, let me know.Bible Reading: Pre-read the passage (from NIV) perhaps print it out. Arrive 5pm and let the service leader know you’re right to go. Check the mic setup etc.Lead in Prayer: Pre-prepare a prayer. Arrive 5pm and let the service leader know you’re right to go. Check the mic setup etc.Cook Dinner: that’s a longer story. Zac took ‘the pot’ from Jon Ting some time ago and on Sunday Zac indicated he’s still happy to brandish it in 2024. So, if you’re keen to help cook, I’ll let Zac know.Help with Dinner prep: talk with the Cook for the week and work out how you can help. At very least it will mean arriving as youth group finishes (5pm) and helping setup the tables etc.Help with Dinner clean-up: wash dishes etc and pack away the hall. This will mean being one of the last to leave.Lock-up: be the last to leave… shut/lock doors (making sure no-one gets locked in!!), turn off lights, lock-up … deliver key to the open-upper.Are you ready to serve in those roles, or do you need some explanation etcready to go... slot me in the rosterplease explain.. I'll need a bit more info or maybe some trainingany notes from you..Here's the dates for the first quarter... mark when you are NOT AVAILABLE28 Jan4 Feb11 Feb18 Feb25 Feb3 Mar10 Mar17 Mar24 MarGood Friday 9:00amEaser Sunday 9:30 31 Mar7 April (school hols)14 April (school hols)Submit back to kpc.org.au/serving