Due to construction work at Kenmore South State School we will temporarily relocate Morning Church to the School Hall at Kenmore State School (Sunday 26 Nov, 3 Dec, 10 Dec).
The street address is 2052 Moggill Road in Kenmore. The hall is in the centre of the school.
Both car-parks will be open, The second is a bit closer to the hall. Accessibility parking is available on the netball court with access is through the bottom of the second car-park.
Alternatively you could park behind the shops over the road (off Princeton Street). Please don’t park in the shops next-door to the school (KFC etc).
If you miss both school carpark entries you may want to use Almay Street to do a U-turn, then turn back onto Moggill Road at the lights, drive past the school again (don’t turn right over double-lines), around the roundabout and try for one of the carparks again .